The new Bart's Music Shack is located at 236 Pearl St., several blocks west of the prime Boulder downtown Pearl Street mall but worth finding the location for good vinyl and used CDs.
Watch for this small yellow sign pointing you to the parking lot location of Bart's Music Shack.
It's not real easy to find unless you know where it's at, but the reborn Bart's Music Shack at 236 Pearl St. is worth discovering if you like vintage vinyl as well as used CDs and music DVDs.
Bart Stinchcomb is back selling vinyl at this small outlet off Pearl Street, but now you can watch for the yellow sign on the street directing you in. The one-room store is located in the parking lot behind Borg Real Estates, and when I visited, music was being quietly piped outside, where there's also a few seats if you want to browse but maybe take along your lunch. A large CD sign sits outside as well.
The owner of Bart's CD Cellar, Value Music Concepts, closed one of the city's best music shops earlier this year, and that prime downtown site is being renovated for a new coffee shop by Ozo's Coffee, which has a popular coffee shop east on Arapaho Avenue.
The new store is not nearly as big as the former CD Cellar, but still well organized with vinyl and CDs listed by music category and artist names. Prices seemed reasonable for several of the albums I looked at, although I didn't notice a "bargain bin" with lower-priced possibilities.
Boulder still has Albums on the Hill near the CU university and the newer Absolute Vinyl, which shares space with Little Horse Books, on North Broadway. And the Beat Book Shop also carries some vinyl on East Pearl.