Boulder entrepreneur Terry Gold, CEO of voice-recognition company Gold Systems, has a U-Tube video playing on his blog that he created with a Web cam running in his Toyota FJ Cruiser. It's definitely worth checking out.
He's caught the attention of some other regular techie bloggers, who have wondered how in the heck he even got a live cam running in his car anyway. His video, he explains at, was created by capturing, saving and simultaneously posting to his blog photos on his drive over to Kansas. (It reminds me of a few bird hunting trips, except I never made it to the world's largest prairie dog.) It was all done in real-time, Terry explains, since his FJ is now equipped with a Kyocera KR1 Broadband EVDO Router with WiFi. Did I get that right?
Terry has a little more information on his site about what he calls his FJ Cruiser Car Computer project. I've been meaning to give Terry a call, but now I'm absolutely going to talk him into a ride somewhere so I can see this setup for myself. His site includes a cam shot called "Live (at times) from the FJ Cam," but it's been stuck on the same image for the past week that I've checked. Maybe I just need to go over and help him give a good swift kick. That usually works on my computers.
Well, Jazz Crazy, it may be compact, but it's the longest SUV, by far, that Toyota has released in North America. As a 6 speed manual and full on 4x4; I think this would be more suited for off-road driving, rather than being an urban SUV.
Posted by: Clovis Seeman | May 09, 2011 at 02:00 PM
Terry Gold continues to do things with his FJ Cruiser, for continuing episodes just watch his blog at
Posted by: Jerry Lewis | December 11, 2007 at 09:48 AM
id love to see more pics and get more info about the fj carputer
Posted by: Toyota FJ Cruiser Community Free Manuals & FJ Movies | December 10, 2007 at 09:53 PM
Hi Jerry - come on over and we'll kick it together! Actually I have another round of upgrades planned for the FJ Car Computer Project which is why the webcam photo hasn't changed. Come on over when it stops snowing and I'll show it to you. Congratulations on the new blog and thanks for the link!
Posted by: Terry Gold | February 28, 2007 at 04:08 PM