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February 21, 2007


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Clovis Seeman

Well, Jazz Crazy, it may be compact, but it's the longest SUV, by far, that Toyota has released in North America. As a 6 speed manual and full on 4x4; I think this would be more suited for off-road driving, rather than being an urban SUV.

Jerry Lewis

Terry Gold continues to do things with his FJ Cruiser, for continuing episodes just watch his blog at

Toyota FJ Cruiser Community Free Manuals & FJ Movies


id love to see more pics and get more info about the fj carputer

Terry Gold

Hi Jerry - come on over and we'll kick it together! Actually I have another round of upgrades planned for the FJ Car Computer Project which is why the webcam photo hasn't changed. Come on over when it stops snowing and I'll show it to you. Congratulations on the new blog and thanks for the link!

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